I was over at my friend Bill's today who has three stock Genny Shovels and he had a bunch of extra fender add ons, badges , and some old mufflers. Then I dug through the pile of stuff I got with the bike and found some more stuff to put back on. Getting some of the 69 fiberglass cases. I'm going to turn this thing into a garbage wagon for the time being, like the one Gak has at Hawgholic. I got most of the paint off the tins but got bored and didn't get all of it off the front fender. Hopefully it will look like a big version of the main character's scooter in Quadraphenia. Probably be about as fast as that Lambretta as well once I load it up with all this extra weight.
great idea!
then to finish, listen to love, reign o'er me and launch it off a cliff
what do you mean Cookey. I'm saving this one for you to ride when you come over.
don't get bored so soon, t! from your paint-strip-off guru :)
I know Ayu but I'd rather doing anything else than strip paint. I got it all this time.. ok there's a little in places you can't see but no one will notice.. I'm not repainting them now so it doesn't matter. :)
t, you just let me know when its good to go and I promise I wont get too close to the edge.
will do
excellent idea,
I'm building one too,
I've got 26 lights on the back so far!
(it's on the blog)
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