June 9, 2009


BLip said...

no TC this is the Matchless with the flipped 'M'
- so they even had a 'fuck the factory' attitude back then - or maybe the owner was called Willy?
(Marlon Brando rode a Triumph Thunderbird in The Wild One, so this must just be a back of set still)

(the other tiny pic I sent was the Guzzi one)

t said...

oh got yah.. I was looking for a photos of a Guzzi with a case like that to no avail .. doh.. did I tell you I'm a serious dumbass?

Sideburn Magazine said...

why do you think they paint Guzzis bright red & put big golden eagles on them?
So dum asses like you can spot them & you dont even need to read the badge!