I think It's time for me to stop doing the blog .. thanks to everyone who came by and checked it out.
.. ok so it's not the end I'll keep doing it.. I like comments .. so please feel free to make some.
October 17, 2009

me age 5
October 16, 2009
October 15, 2009
October 14, 2009
October 13, 2009
October 12, 2009

Recently at the Long Beach Swap meet I snuck away from all the motorcycle parts and checked out the bicycle stuff. I found what appears to be a pre war brake caliper and lever with cable and pads. The lever resembles the brake levers off a VL. The brake pads appear to have parkerized metal pad holders and the cable is cloth covered like the early Harley Cables. One of the cool things about the brake is the way it mounts on the frame.. it doesn't require a brake mount hole as it clamps to the seat stays. So I could use it on a an old cruiser frame as they don't normally come with a brake mount.
October 11, 2009
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